लैलात अल कादर

लैलात अल कादर

When is लैलात अल कादर 2022?

Lailat al Qadr marks the time when the first verses of the Koran were revealed to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. It is considered that at some time, possibly in 610 CE, he got the first verse of the Koran from God. However, it is not clear when the revelation occurred. Prophet Mohammed spent an extended period, especially during Ramadan, meditating about the world around him and seeking help to rid his people of moral evils and idolatry. On some occasions, he traveled to Hira Cave, a small cave in the hills near Mecca, now Saudi Arabia.

How do People celebrate Laylat al Qadr?

Lailat al Qadr marks the time when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Islamic Prophet Muhammad. It also assumed that this night marks his fate in the following year. Many Muslims consider the last ten days of Ramadan to be particularly sacred. During this period, they try to visit a mosque, read the Koran, and pray to God at night for mercy, forgiveness, and salvation. This practice also named Ehya.

This "night of the power" is considered the most suitable time of the whole year to pray for salvation and blessings. It is believed that the past sins of a Muslim are forgiven if the person prays on this night. Many gather in mosques during Isha's prayer; many prayers are performed till midnight.

Is Laylat al-Qadr a national government holiday?

Laylat al-Qadr is not a national government holiday in the United States. Still, many Islamic organizations and businesses can change their opening hours, and there may be some blockage around mosques, especially in the evening and at night.

Facts related to Laylat al Qadr

  • A complete chapter of the Quran, called "Al-Qadr," is dedicated to explaining the benefits of worshipping on Laylat al Qadr.
  • According to Islamic tradition, the following are tokens of The Night of Power every year: A quiet night with average temperatures, no shooting stars, and a moon that glows without rays. When the sun rises, it will appear as a circle with no beams of light coming out of it.
  • Some Muslims assume that on this night, the entire Quran revealed to Angel Gabriel, who recited the verse of Mohammed for more than twenty-three years when God ordered to do so.
  • Muslims who can take time off work expect to offer namaz on each of the last ten nights, hoping to find Lailat al Qadr, trying to emulate the traditions of Prophet Muhammad. They fast throughout the day and read the Quran and pray during the night. Prophet Muhammad applied to do the same. In fact, according to his wife, he tightened his belt and implored all night, and encouraged his family members to pray all night. (Bukhari, Sahib Bukhari, Volume 3, Book 32, Number 241)

लैलात अल कादर Observances

Year Date Day Holiday
2025 27 मार्च गुरू Laylat Al Kadr
2024 6 अप्रैल शनि Laylat Al Kadr
2023 18 अप्रैल मंगल Laylat Al Kadr
2022 28 अप्रैल गुरू Laylat Al Kadr
2021 9 मई रवि Laylat Al Kadr
2020 19 मई मंगल Laylat Al Kadr
2019 31 मई शुक्र Laylat Al Kadr

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लैलात अल कादर तथ्यों



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